Trade Forex Without Indicators Can It Make You Rich ~ forex interval trading system
In the forex world, we are currently living in a time wen trader are getting constantly bombarded with new indicator-driven trading systems. Its hard to fall into the trap. But for those that have gotten tired of all the hoopla, these traders have to be curious if they can become rich by trading without indicators?
To answer this question, you only need a little bit of a history lesson and study the most famous investment traders in history.
You could start by reading about traders like Jesse Livermore. Livermore struck it rich in the stock market at the turn of the 20th century. He was a floor trader and the only thing he cared about was trading the price action of stocks.
What makes it so impressive is that its not like he was able to even follow a chart. All he did was pay attention to how market traders were moving the price. It was all in his head. Not even so much as a bar or
candlestick chart.
If somebody like this can become rich trading without any kind of indicators, then there is no excuse for anyone else.
If you really sit down and think about it, there really isnt any other way to understand market movement besides the being able to trade price action. For example can anybody actually explain what all these indicators that everybody else is using, do? They can be used for a system and somebody can be taught the rules, but nobody actually knows what any of it actually means, relative to the market.
When you are able to get rid of these indicators from your charts, then and only then will you be ale to follow the reasons why the market go up, down, or stay range bound. You truly get to see the market as a ball of energy, not just numbers.
Once you see the market this way, its very hard to go back to moving averages.
By Jim Buhs
More info for Trade Forex Without Indicators Can It Make You Rich ~ forex interval trading system:
If somebody like this can become rich trading without any kind of indicators, then there is no excuse for anyone else.
If you really sit down and think about it, there really isnt any other way to understand market movement besides the being able to trade price action. For example can anybody actually explain what all these indicators that everybody else is using, do? They can be used for a system and somebody can be taught the rules, but nobody actually knows what any of it actually means, relative to the market.
When you are able to get rid of these indicators from your charts, then and only then will you be ale to follow the reasons why the market go up, down, or stay range bound. You truly get to see the market as a ball of energy, not just numbers.
Once you see the market this way, its very hard to go back to moving averages.
By Jim Buhs
More info for Trade Forex Without Indicators Can It Make You Rich ~ forex interval trading system: