Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Forex Currency Trading Systems - forex king kong trading system review

Forex Currency Trading Systems ~ forex king kong trading system reviewby: Andrew DaigleWhile the market is swamped with websites and books offering advice on the ‘best and ‘newest forex currency trading systems, it is important to do a thorough check of the system to ensure that it really works. There are a large number of such forex trading systems that are completely fraudulent or simply do not work, and have been created with the sole intention...

A readers comment on quant funds losses - bank forex trading system

A readers comment on quant funds losses ~ bank forex trading systemA reader of mine (who wish to remain anonymous) pointed out that most of the losses seem to come from low-frequency trading models, while high frequency models continue to perform superbly. This also confirms my own experience. My enthusiasm for high frequency trading was expressed previously here and here.More info for A readers comment on quant funds losses ~ bank forex trading...

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Forex Market 3 Powerful Strategies Big Money - highest rated forex trading system

Forex Market 3 Powerful Strategies Big Money ~ highest rated forex trading systemIf you want to catch the serious profit in forex trading you need to w the forex trends which are medium term. Here we are going to give you a 3 step simple methods which if you use it correctly, will help you catch most forex trend sand lead you to long-term term currency trading success.Most beginner traders dont bother trying to follow the trend that has come about...

The Seven Top Secrets To Trading Futures Successfully - 1 hour forex trading system

The Seven Top Secrets To Trading Futures Successfully ~ 1 hour forex trading systemThe most successful floor traders are those that have the most experiance, this is no coincidence at all and should be a pointer for those who aspire to become a good trader. Trading can be likened to being a sportsman, such as a golf pro or tennis champion, you need to be trained and in good physical shape. Skills are needed which must be developed over time and practiced...

MATLAB as an Automated Execution System - forex trading weekly strategy

MATLAB as an Automated Execution System ~ forex trading weekly strategyI just published an article "MATLAB as an Automated Execution System". (It is available to readers of my book and subscribers to my Premium Content website.) It comes with example MATLAB codes executing a simple Bollinger-band high-frequency E-mini trading strategy.As I mentioned before, I now find MATLAB to be a good platform not just for backtesting, but for automated execution...

3 Wave Rule Denies Traders Sharp Gains on GBP CAD - oracle forex trading system

3 Wave Rule Denies Traders Sharp Gains on GBP CAD ~ oracle forex trading systemAfter starting what appeared to be a strong Bearish breakout from its Consolidation setup this week, this pair has now started to pull back sharply Bullish, much to the chagrin of Currency Traders. As surprising as this may have been to some, there was a key Technical Factor...

SEVEN KEYS TO AN EFFECTIVE FOREX TRADING STRATEGIES - forex channel trading system download

SEVEN KEYS TO AN EFFECTIVE FOREX TRADING STRATEGIES ~ forex channel trading system downloadDo not start trading without a proper strategy. Unless you acquire proper knowledge regarding the forex market your success maybe sporadic at best and tragic at worst! Without an effective trading strategy you are simply speculating on a market that can wipe you out in no time. If you are looking to invest in the currency markets long term then it is important...

Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

A good book for quantitative traders - forex trading winning strategies

A good book for quantitative traders ~ forex trading winning strategiesLarry Connors and Cesar Alvarez (the guys behind tradingmarkets.com) recently published Short Term Trading Strategies That Work, a nice collection of simple technical trading strategies that you can easily backtest and verify.As I have argued in my own book, simple strategies are...

Forex Trade Strategy Forex Trading Guide - forex channel trading system free download

Forex Trade Strategy Forex Trading Guide ~ forex channel trading system free downloadThe Traders Fallacy is one of the most familiar yet treacherous ways a Forex traders can go wrong. This is a huge pitfall when using any manual Forex trading system. Commonly called the "gamblers fallacy" or "Monte Carlo fallacy" from gaming theory and also called the "maturity of chances fallacy".The Traders Fallacy is a powerful temptation that takes many different...

Amass Amazing Profits with Global Forex Trading - ift forex trading system

Amass Amazing Profits with Global Forex Trading ~ ift forex trading systemThe global forex trading market never rests. No matter where you are in the world, in brightest noon of darkest night, you can go online and make engage in some global Forex trading. In this, the global Forex trading market is unique. Business hours are always in effect somewhere in the world; government and bank employees are always active somewhere in the world, and the currency...

Are quant strategies in trouble yet again - acb forex trading system

Are quant strategies in trouble yet again ~ acb forex trading systemThere were reports that quant strategies have been suffering again in January, given the market turmoil generated partly by the Societe Generale scandal. Mr. Matthew Rothman of Lehman Brothers pinned the blame on momentum strategies (Hat tip: 1440 Wall Street). I partly agree with that assessment, but the full picture is more nuanced.As I have written in my previous post, December...


SHARP REVERSALS AVOIDED WITH ACCURATE TARGETS ~ forex trading pro system reviewOne of the most important aspects of profitable Currency Trading is to always establish accurate trading targets. The market can provide traders with hundreds of pips in movements on a weekly basis for consistent returns across the major currency pairs. In order to avoid...

How to Develop a Profitable Bitcoin Altcoins Daytrading Strategy Fundamental Technical Analysis An Intermediate Tutorial - the ultimate forex trading system review

How to Develop a Profitable Bitcoin Altcoins Daytrading Strategy Fundamental Technical Analysis An Intermediate Tutorial ~ the ultimate forex trading system reviewFundamental AnalysisI believe that for an Altcoin to be worth anything at all, it MUST first have technical aspects which are built with the future in mind. This is what solely determines...

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

More on automated trading platforms - forex trading strategies singapore

More on automated trading platforms ~ forex trading strategies singaporeThe ideal software platform for automating backtesting and executing your algorithmic trading strategies depends mainly on your level of programming expertise and your budget. If you are a competent programmer in, say, Java or C#, there is nothing to prevent you from utilizing the API offered (usually for free) by many brokerages to automate execution. And of course, it is also...

Forex Trading Golden Tips On Forex Trading - icad forex trading system

Forex Trading Golden Tips On Forex Trading ~ icad forex trading systemBy Ray LamOne should bear in mind that, before starting on Forex trading, one should have proper Forex training. This is because the Forex trading market is a very competitive one. In order to remain competitive and ensure profitability, one should have proper Forex training to familiarise with the Forex trading market. One must not rush into Forex trading.Forex training brings...

Trader tax proposal will be the death knell for statistical arbitrage - forex trading system- laurentiu damir

Trader tax proposal will be the death knell for statistical arbitrage ~ forex trading system- laurentiu damirU.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio, introduced H.R. 1068: “Let Wall Street Pay for Wall Streets Bailout Act of 2009”, which aims to impose a 0.25% transaction tax on the “sale and purchase of financial instruments such as stock, options, and futures.Ladies and gentlemen, 0.25% is 50 basis points round-trip. Few if any statistical arbitrage strategies...

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