Making Money in Forex Trading What You Must Know Before You Trade Forex Full Time ~ forex trading grid system
Whenever I get emails from subscribers asking how to become a full time trader and what is the capital to be able to trade currencies full time. Although I mentioned that if you have a good forex trading system and you follow the rules of trade, perhaps one day a success. But I have also mentioned that psychological control, discipline, money management and other materials to be successful on the market in the long term.
If you plan to become a full-time operator, it is good that you are targeting, but you must understand the situation, it is now. Already it has negotiated very well today and make consistent profits every month? Still, you are able to overcome the psychological barrier of having to give up their full-time job and switch to fair trade?Several factors should be considered carefully before entering the full-time corporate world, which is not as easy as they say it is. I really consider forex trading as a professional work because its so special! Yes, anyone can learn currency trading and money begin too much money. But is he / she able to maintain good performance in the coming years? He really needs a bit of experience and knowledge to support a lot of business performance. I saw traders have failed after a few years of commercial success ... why? Greedy and overconfident, an error and beat all the income is returned. But that is not the main reason they left is the lack of confidence for trade negotiations which scared again.
Another important factor that will decide whether you can go full time to negotiate is the commercial capital. Yes, you can trade with small accounts when you are just beginning, but in order to become a full time trader, you will need reasonable enormous bills. This is because you should not risk 1% to 5% of their capital per trade and therefore the beads means small loss and small profits, how to earn a full time income in this way? Here are the 3 main reasons why small forex accounts are presented fail.
1) You will take more risks. With a small account, you will have smaller pay increases due to much smaller business. Most people will focus on the face value (dollars earned) instead of return on investment (percentage growth). When you see that you do well, but the gains are small, youll be tempted to break the money management rule and risking a large percentage of its capital. Then, an error will destroy much of your trading account. I therefore recommend a commercial capital of five digits, if possible.
2) the erroneous mentality. Most people will not treat your business seriously if it is only a small capital. They think if they lose money, they will only lose what little. It will not take you seriously a bad habit. Once is bad habit, it is difficult to remove. On the contrary, a good habit takes time to build, but only a mistake of loot.
3) It makes you want to trade more. Chances are he will not be satisfied with the amount of benefits you have done, as seems low. Most people think they are so good at negotiation and begin to look for opportunities every day (instead of trading along the trend). There will be quality jobs every day and the more you try trade, more mistakes you make and then slowly, your account will be reduced.
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