Rabu, 25 Mei 2016


138 PIPS ON GBP USD AS USD STRENGTHENS ACROSS THE FOREX MARKET ~ forex trading system mt4This latest trade took advantage of the Bearish Consolidation Breakout on the Daily Chart of the GBP USD which started in the last week of December. It provided a gain of 138 Pips within 4 days, just ahead of the pullback that is now taking place. Entry was based...

Can a trader be a do gooder - best forex trading strategy videos

Can a trader be a do gooder ~ best forex trading strategy videosIt occurs to me that the only way in which a trader can become more than a completely selfish, self-enriching, narcissistic person is to trade well enough so that you can manage other peoples money and thus saving these investors from crooks and charlatans (provided you are convinced you are not a crook and charlatan yourself).Other traders have advanced other arguments in favor of trading....

SUMMARY OF 35 RATE OF RETURN - mbfx forex trading system v2.0

SUMMARY OF 35 RATE OF RETURN ~ mbfx forex trading system v2.0The last 13 Months have proven to be both challenging and rewarding with this new Price Action Swing Trading Methodology. Transitioning from Day Trading to Swing Trading is very difficult especially if you - like myself- have spent most of your trading years glued to the computer screen in...

How does the financial crisis affect quantitative trading - forex trading system 96 percent winners

How does the financial crisis affect quantitative trading ~ forex trading system 96 percent winnersNow that we are reasonably sure the financial world is not coming to an end yet, it is reasonable to ask how quantitative strategies have been faring under this extreme market stress. Despite reports of massive hedge fund deleveraging and negative YTD returns, I believe quantitative strategies, especially statistical arbitrage, have survived the period...

Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Statistical electoral vote predictor Update - forex trading system price action

Statistical electoral vote predictor Update ~ forex trading system price actionFor readers who have been tracking the Gott and Colley presidential electoral vote prediction, they will notice a sudden switch over to a predicted Obama victory in the last few days. That is because polls from OH, VA and MO are now available -- surprising because the 3 states are not hitherto known for their Democratic leanings.It seems to me that, after all, the stability...

GBP USD CLOSE TO WEEKLY RANGE - forex trading system rules

GBP USD CLOSE TO WEEKLY RANGE ~ forex trading system rulesThe GBP USD has been moving in step with the EURO USD as both pairs decline in sync with strong gains for the Greenback across the Forex market.  Similar to the EURO USD, the Sterling pair is closing in on its Weekly Range target which lies only 120 pips away. When that area is hit in the...

Pairs Trading Workshop in Hong Kong - forex trading trendline strategy

Pairs Trading Workshop in Hong Kong ~ forex trading trendline strategyFor my readers in Asia, I will be conducting a pairs trading workshop in Hong Kong on March 10-11. This workshop is organized by the Technical Analyst magazine and is similar to the one I gave in London last year.However, I have added a few useful insights based on audience feedback. As always, no prior knowledge of Matlab or advanced statistics is assumed. The numerous in-class...


MONTHLY RANGE PUTS EURO AUD AT MAJOR CROSSROADS ~ forex trading system simpleAfter completing a Bear Crown setup that led to a strong downtrend of over 1,000 Pips, the EURO AUD is now at a crossroads that could either lead to more gains for the Aussie or a strong trend change altogether.The Chart below shows how this downtrend began, the breaks of...

Forex Megadroid Make Forex Trading Easier With Forex Software - guppy forex trading system

Forex Megadroid Make Forex Trading Easier With Forex Software ~ guppy forex trading systemForex Megadroid is relatively new in the field of automated Forex trading systems, also known as "forex robots" and done his share of attention as a bestseller. Comments and success stories of all parties agree that it is not only a lot of smoke and mirrors: this...

Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Forex trading is for everyone - the holy grail forex trading system james windsor

Forex trading is for everyone ~ the holy grail forex trading system james windsorBy KitKatForeign exchange rates for currency have created a multi billion dollar market for the trade of currency alone. Forex trading as it is called, exceeds 3 trillion dollars daily USD. Because it is done accross the world, it is the largest trading system in existence.With traders from around the world getting involved there are those who are unscrupulous enough...

How Beginners Can Start Making Money Through Forex - forex gold trading system

How Beginners Can Start Making Money Through Forex ~ forex gold trading systemIf you are in need of a company to invest your money for a profit, I recommend currency trading. Other markets, such as futures, Treasury bonds and stocks you can invest your money in. But why Forex is much better it is because of its liquidity and profitability.Unlike other...

Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

255 PIPS ON OFFER FROM NZD CAD THIS WEEK - forex mutant trading system

255 PIPS ON OFFER FROM NZD CAD THIS WEEK ~ forex mutant trading systemA Large Range Setup appears to be forming on the Daily Chart of the NZD CAD that could offer us up to 255 Pips this week. The Support Boundary has already been formed at the 0,8335 area and once we see continued gains for the CAD, this will take us back to Support and complete the...

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